
Free Events
Fees: 0

ChemBioIT frequently organizes and sponsor educational events. We charge no money from content Contributors and attendees for these.

Promotional/Basic Course
Fees: 1,000 - 3,000

ChemBioIT support and subsidises educational events that run longer than a week. We charge a minimal amount from attendees to maintain the support and infrastructure for our content contributors.

Intermediate Course
Fees: 5,000 - 8,000

We are planning to organize the intermediate level of the CADD courses, where we focus on developing student expertise into a specific CADD domain, eg. Docking, Dynamics, NGS, QSAR, Chem/Bioinformatics etc.

Advance Course
Fees: 10,000 - 20,000

We are planning to organize the advanced CADD courses, where we focus on student R&D skills. These courses allow students by combining various CADD domains to solve a research problem in an area of drug discovery and development.

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